tokoh yang dihukum mati bahasa Inggris
- tokoh: figure; high up; people; character; eccentric;
- yang: a one; of that which; of which; ones which; that;
- dihukum: sentenced
- dihukum mati: sentenced to death; sentenced to die; put to death
- mati: as dead as mutton; dead; decease; die; die a
- tokoh yang dihukum mati oleh vietnam selatan: people executed by south vietnam
- orang malaysia yang dihukum mati: executed malaysian people
- daftar mantan kepala rezim yang dihukum mati: list of former heads of regimes who were sentenced to death
- dapat dihukum mati: on pain of death; under pain of death
- orang dihukum mati oleh khilafah umaiyah: people executed by the umayyad caliphate
- orang yang tak bisa dihukum: noncomposmentis
- dihukum mati oleh khilafah abbasiyah abad ke-8: 8th-century executions by the abbasid caliphate
- dihukum mati oleh khilafah abbasiyah abad ke-9: 9th-century executions by the abbasid caliphate
- orang dihukum mati oleh khilafah umaiyah abad ke-8: 8th-century executions by the umayyad caliphate
- cincin peringatan yang mati: mourning-ring
Kata lain
- "tokoh yang berpindah agama ke yahudi" terjemahan Inggris
- "tokoh yang bunuh diri" terjemahan Inggris
- "tokoh yang dibunuh" terjemahan Inggris